ICT in Primary School Education: Overall Advantages & Disadvantages


“New technology is common, new thinking is rare” – Sir Peter Blake

At this stage, we found it very appropriate to discuss the overall advantages and disadvantages that are included with the integration of ICT and the primary school education system. It appears that it is about time that ICT is introduced to play a major role in out primary education system, as the advantages appear to heavily outweigh the associated disadvantages.


We are certain that most would agree, that there are far more advantages with the introduction of ICT in the education system, in comparison to the associated and inevitable disadvantages. The fact that nowadays, teachers no longer need to rely solely on printed books in libraries, is a clear signal that times have indeed changed rapidly. With this comes easier preparation, less hassle, less luggage, increased information resources and of course next-generation teaching methods through the use of new-found technologies.

Furthermore, increased efficiency throughout the school is another overwhelmingly beneficial aspect.

Benefits to overall primary school atmosphere:

  • ICT in schools creates a better environment throughout the school, through e-mail, discussion groups and even live chat rooms.
  • The use of ICT can have an extremely beneficial motivational influence on a student’s learning capabilities.
  • It is proven that students express more positive feelings towards work and education when they use computers to complete tasks.
  • Through better tracking of students, teachers have improved behavioral management, thus creating a more positive schooling atmosphere for both students and teachers.

Benefits to teachers in primary school education:

  • Greater flexibility in relation to when and where tasks can be carried out.
  • Gains in ICT literacy skills (…better late than never in some cases!)
  • Easy access to a database of up-to-date pupil data and information at anytime of the day, which would prove extremely useful in parent-teacher meetings.
  • The use of computers during classes will motivate students to continue to use computers to learn outside of school hours.

Benefits to students in primary school education:

  • Provided with higher quality classes through a much better collaboration between teachers in planning and preparation of class materials.
  • Through better analysis of data, classes can be tailored to students’ strengths and weaknesses.
  • Encouragement of independent and active learning, self-responsibility and maturity for learning.
  • Flexibility of ‘anytime, anywhere’ access (Jacobsen and Krerner, 2000)
  • Development of writing skills through the use of word programs, fluency, originality and elaboration is also greatly improved.
  • Students who used educational technology in school felt more successful in school, were more motivated to learn and have increased self-confidence and self-esteem.



"Frustration, although quite painful at times, is a very positive and essential part of success" - Bo Bennett

“Frustration, although quite painful at times, is a very positive and essential part of success” – Bo Bennett


– Disadvantages of ICT in the Primary Education Sytem

It would be totally unfair to claim that there are absolutely no downfalls associated with the introduction of ICT in the primary school education system, because you can be sure that they do (unfortunately) exist.



  • An increasing number of resources and funds are being pumped into putting ICT in schools at the moment. The cost of laptops, wireless broadband and even projectors contribute to a very large percentage of a schools budget, this is exacerbated by the current economic climate.
  • According to the IT learning exchange, ICT will be the single largest curriculum budget cost
  • This may be seen as a positive, but there will unfortunately be little or no money left over for other significant costs.


  • Instead of using their laptops or tablets for educational purposes, more often than not students stray away from educational purposes of their gadgets and visit social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter.
  • Listening to the teachers is no longer their main priority. Students become too focused on social media sites and playing games. As a result of this, they can no longer focus on what is trying to be taught in class.

ICT Literacy in Teachers:

  • One of the reasons for ICT not reaching it’s full potential in education in the foundation stage is the teacher’s attitude.
  • Some see it as a potential tool, whereas others may see it as unhealthy, and also that it may hinder learning.
  • Many teachers are not up-to-date with the newest pieces of technology, and many would certainly be uncomfortable to take on such a massive change in teaching methods (…you can’t teach an old dog new tricks!).


In the end, we find it justifiable to come to the conclusion that the existing advantages in ICT in the education system completely outweigh the existing disadvantages. Provided a teacher is reasonable, and eager to learn new methods, the future generations would benefit extremely in how they will be educated. Once again we must remind you that our world is revolving at an exponential rate, and the future generations MUST be introduced to ICT as soon as possible. Is there any better way than to introduce them other than education? We think not!

“Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is most important” – Bill Gates

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Image: Advantage Disadvantage – Garrett Smith, (2012), Advantage_Disadvantage [ONLINE]. Available at:http://www.voipsupply.com/blog/voip-insider/files/2012/02/Advantage_Disadvantage.jpeg [Accessed 31 March 14].


Image: Woman Stress on Computer – Rashida Maples, (2012), woman_stress_on_computer [ONLINE]. Available at:http://ionehellobeautiful.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/black-woman-stressed-with-computer.jpg [Accessed 31 March 14].

ICT in Primary School Education: Teaching Methods

"The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows" - Sydney J. Harris

“The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows” – Sydney J. Harris

In this post, the popular topic of ‘Computer Tablets’ will be discussed, and how they can greatly benefit the way in which primary school students are educated.

It seems that children these days are becoming very fond of tablet computers, and we wouldn’t blame them. These tablets are extremely user-friendly, efficient and extremely practical in education, where students would experience a hands-on approach with the technology that is changing the way we live our lives.

PDST Technology in Education (formerly NCTE) released a publication in 2012, giving a brief summary of all the benefits included with the introduction of tablet computers in the primary classroom. This article provides the user with a very simple and straight-forward analysis based on the reasons why we should consider tablets in the primary classroom, but also the limitations involved. This article can be found here.


Motion J3600 Tablet

Motion J3600 Tablet


– Tablet Computers

The list of possibilities that arise with the implementation of tablet computers into education seem endless, and far more practical than primary students carrying heavy bags of books around.

Let’s think about how exactly these tablets can be used to integrate with the education system in primary schools. In order to get the most out of technology in the classroom, the teachers must first of all be educated on all of the features which can be accessed. Teachers should be excited and keen to utilize all of the tools which tablets have to offer, and to be creative in their use. For example:

  • Use the camera to capture works in progress at various stages in the creative process.
  • Video an experiment – these can be imported into a document.
  • On the iPad, combine with Apple TV – teachers or students can display their work, annotate it, work through step-by-step, and display to the rest of the class at the touch of a button.
  • Communicate – Apps like Socrative allow teachers to quiz their students and automatically collates their responses.
  • Research using the internet. Be sure to use a safe internet browser such as BuddyBrowser to monitor and control the content accessed.
  • There are many apps available for tablets which can greatly enhance and supplement your teaching practices.

Furthermore, apps are not just for students. Teachers can also benefit greatly from the use of computer tablets in the classroom, and make their job a lot less stressful! iDoceo is a great app which allows teachers to create and link their planner, diary and seating plans to one specific app, as well as student details and photos. Application stores are full of useful tools such as the fun Too Noisy app which provides great aid to controlling background noises in the classroom!

Bear in mind that content is not just limited to the use of specific apps. Through iBooks you can purchase digital editions of many of the primary school textbooks you may use. As a result, you don’t have to worry about the wear-and-tear or replacing of books.

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Image: iPad Generation – Stewart Attwood, (2012), iPad Generation [ONLINE]. Available at:http://www.heraldscotland.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/400xY/2012/5/17617749.JPG [Accessed 25 March 14].


Image: Motion J3600 Tablet – IBC, (2014), Motion J3600 Tablet [ONLINE]. Available at: http://ibcworld.net/wp-content/files_mf/1358562587j35_gg_angle_lft_pen.jpg [Accessed 25 March 14].

ICT in Primary School Education: Teaching Methods

"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Mark Twain

“I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” – Mark Twain

ICT in the education system of primary schools is a controversial topic on people’s mind’s these days. Most people seem willing to give it the green light in order to enhance the ways in which our children are being taught, having said that, some people will argue that primary school is too early to introduce such an amount of technology into the lives of children.

Without a doubt, children are being introduced to technology at an earlier stage in their life as the years are passing. Whether it’s through iPads, iPhones, laptops, desktop computers and other smart devices (of which there are many!). It is becoming abundantly clear that there is no hiding from it, and it has come to the time where we must embrace IT & Technology for all of it’s benefits, and evidence has shown it most certainly has a place in the education system.

Extensive research was carried out by the European Commission, “Benchmarking Access, Use and Attitudes to Technology in Europe’s Schools”. The results of this research proved very positive in the way of having more primary schools in particular equipped with resources for educating the students through the use of ICT. The full study findings can be accessed here.

Now we ask, ‘How can we use ICT in schools to optimize the impact of teaching and learning?’

Teaching methods around the world have been transformed by the use of the following technologies:


Smartboards are a fantastic way in which teaching methods can be increased, in particular the efficiency of time.

Children in primary school are very familiar with visual aids in education, and the SmartBoard is an effective way to replace the out-of-date chalkboard used in primary schools.
The teachers can effectively display the content in which they want to educate the students on, by having it prepared on a laptop/desktop computer. There are countless advantages in replacing the chalkboard with a SmartBoard, such as displaying graphical images, animations, videos, interactive content and also learning platforms, which can be accessed online (such as LearnAnyWhere).

The SmartBoards provide the students with much needed active visual display in the classroom, which can greatly enhance their education and also provide a fun atmosphere through the use of interactive online teaching methods.

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Topic in Discussion: ICT in the Education System

"Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born in another time" - Chinese Proverb

“Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born in another time” – Chinese Proverb

 Technology is undoubtedly becoming more and more central to all of our lives. Whether through media, communication, socialising and even education.

It is greatly important that education does not fall behind with the rest of the world, and it is through the use of ICT in the education system that will keep the future generations on track.

Through this blog I aim to convince  all teachers/professors that work in all levels of education that, with the introduction of even more technology into the classroom, their teaching methods could be greatly increased in both efficiency and effectivity.

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If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow” – John Dewey.

Image: entrance-exam.net, (2012), education [ONLINE]. Available at: http://entrance-exam.net/ict-and-its-impact-on-education/ [Accessed 26 February 14].